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Final thoughts:

One, the code for longjumping is REALLY wonky. I can't get it half the time. If I hold crouch for too short, it doesn't register. For too long, it turns into a backflip. And you *repeatedly* require it! In Toad's Mining Company, like half the stage is locked behind two precise longjumps!

Also I think you don't understand the idea behind Star Gates. The point of gating progress behind stars isn't to make player beat every star. The point is the opposite, to allow player to pick and choose which stars they want to do and which they don't? Like, in Super Mario 64 you need 70 stars to beat the game - out of 120.Only 58% - not even a full sixty - is required to beat the game.

In current version, sure, you can unlock second stages after getting only 3 stars which is fine... but to unlock third tier of stages you need 12 stars. That's 100%ing two full stages! If you need help with thinking of how to structure the star gating, I recommend making a chart of how Super Mario 64 does it - count how much stars are available at each point, and how much is *necessary* to unlock next tier of levels, as a percentage. You will be surprised how freeform Mario games are.


One more minor thing:

1. I finally found a glitch! In Color Blocks Meadow, I was standing under a question mark block that had multiple coins in it, and I kept repeatedly hitting it... but Mario was constantly moving to the side and I was eventually ejected by the corner!

2. Found second glitch. The character Rihunu Tempest or whatever her name is from Reincarnated as a Slime cannot enter portraits. I just spent 190 coins on this, amazing.

Logical choice would be to have all characters at the same height as Mario, and using a similar/the same hitbox.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

3. Just found it - I rolled on a Jump  Force day hoping to get a shonen anime hero, and got a character from Re:Zero. That's a clear glitch and completely breaks the entire purpose of the calendar.

4. I just realized something - it seems all anime characters use the same animations. Well, they're terrible. Naruto running is cringy, but it doesn't even look good here, and in some cases like Otto Suwen I just rolled, it glitches through the cape. This further discourages me from using the game's central gimmick.


For 3 I'm pretty sure the calendar just gives a 50% increase in odds for that series. I've gotten tons of other characters and even duplicates from them.

Literally why would it do that. Again, it takes like 200 coins - easily a full hour of gameplay, or slightly less of grinding - to roll once. Like I already have no control over this mechanic, why take away even more of this control?

Also don't actual gacha games allow you to at least usually roll multiple times at once? Like, I imagine a lot of my complaints about the gacha stuff would vanish if I could roll like, 3 or 4 characters at once. (Also if anime characters didn't have the naruto run animation).


I mean it seems like the high cost is supposed to serve as incentive to collect stars and level up. Every level up decreases the cost of rolls by 5. I'm level 30 and I hit the minimum cost of 80 coins awhile ago. My issue with this is that it also incentives saving up your coins and not rolling until you're about level 25 which I think is where you first hit the minimum. I'm kind of a gacha addict so I'm fine with the random chance, but I can absolutely see why it would annoy people.

Your second point is something I absolutely agree with. It'd be great if we could roll multiple times if we have the coins. You get 1500 coins a day from dailies and it'd be helpful to just be able to blow through them all at once.

More animations per character would also be nice, but given the number of characters he's working with I don't mind it. I'd rather see new characters than better animations, personally.

Also if you're still having trouble with long jumps my tip would be to press the duck button and jump at the same time, or as close as possible. I agree that the controls could be better, though.