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wanna rp with that character?


Oki I’ll use Juno

oki do you wanna start?

na you can


Alma was looking around confused in the middle of the street, it almost seemed as if she was about to cry.

Juno walks up

“H hey m miss are you ok?”

He was nervous 

“hm? Uhm well I’m a bit lost. Could you tell me where I am please?”

She had a little stuffed frog with her and her voice was like that of a child’s.

“oh you’re in faer street right now”

“Where are you trying to go?”

“oh uhm.”

Pshe pulls a phone out of her pocket and frantically starts searching for something

“Uhm do you know how to get to… uhhh… this place.”

She showed the phone and on it the destination was a university pretty far away