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Hello, in my case, the game doesn't work at all :( When I try to open it, a white screen appears for like 2 secs and then it completely shuts down. I've already tried running it as admin but it doesn't help. I'm using Win 10 64 bit. I hope you'll be able to fix this!

Thanks for posting. There's nothing on the white screen? I'm looking into it.


Nothing at all, just the white screen. No errors or anything like that.

I've posted a new version for Windows. If it bombs on you, do me a big favor and send me the log at: C:/Users/Admin (or your user name)/AppData/Roaming/itch/apps/the-tomb-of-king-pervy/Resources (assuming you used the itchio client) or in the program's resources folder if you didn't.

If it doesn't crash, let me know please so I can take that back out of there.


Still the same problem unfortunately :( Also, it seems a bit strange but I think that the game doesn't even create a log because I can't find it in the resources folder (I'm not using the itchio client). There are only audio, fonts and textures folders and a file named 'map'.

Give it another try with a fresh download when you get the chance please.

Thanks for helping.


I've just tried and still there is no log. Can this happen because of the diacritics in my Windows username? I know it can sometimes cause some problems with apps but I don't know if that's the case here. Just a thought :P

Ok, thanks. It's not your username.

(1 edit)

Some day my code will run.

I have another one lined up if you're game.

There is no log file this time.

(1 edit) (+2)

Still the same :(

Edit: I don't know if that helps but I noticed one thing. The first or second version of the game created a folder in AppData (although the same problem existed). Now, it doesn't (Idk if it should). Basically, my idea is that maybe it also created a log?

(1 edit)

There used to be a folder for preferences and saved data. I moved it to the app folder because it seems people aren't using the programs folder these days.

It works here. I am stumped and can't find much information. I must fall to trial-and-error on this one.

Hi player_one. I've made some promising changes. If you could give it a quick check, I'm ready for disappointment!

Thanks again for your help.