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Please let me know if this is too broad a topic or if any of the wording should be changed. I couldn't find contact information to double check if this was okay, so hopefully it is going by the tags available and community guideline. ANYWAY.


To answer my own question: I'm hopefully finishing up The Great Ace Attorney and then moving on to Psychonauts 2 or starting Pervader. I will get to both, I just haven't decided the order. I've also recently been informed that I need to finally watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventure before the new season begins. I have somehow avoided most spoilers, although I do know some things by cultural osmosis. Mostly "That's bullshit, but I believe it."

Also still waiting on any news regarding Aggretsuko Season 4. They've gotta announce it soon, right? Right?

My god I can't wait for a new Aggretsuko season!