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(1 edit) (+3)

So on the plus side this visual novel has an absolutely amazing art style that is easily of the highest quality I've seen outside top tier anime.  I'm in love with the visuals of the MC as well as those of several NPC's.  In addition, the story that you are expected to follow to progress the narrative is interesting, presenting several mysteries right out the gate to draw your interest.

That leads to the other side of the coin.

On the con side, the presentation of the CYOA format is deceptive.  You are required to befriend (Capture their Heart) every NPC you meet along the way before you can progress to the next one.  This results in interactions that are forced upon the player and removes any player agency within the story.  With no player agency there are no consequences either for your actions other than a hard stop on the progression of the story.

While I will continue to look forward to more chapters, this will take a back burner over other VN style games unless one of two improvements are made.  Either add a "Story Mode" that simply tells the story the developer wants told or add player agency that allows you to progress the story without befriending every single person and allow the player to feel the consequences of befriending or not-befriending specific people along the way.