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Starts on Manjaro + Openjdk 16.0.2 (Maybe next time you can provide a batch file with the java -jar... command for those who are not familiar with starting java applications from the cmd).

Drawing cells in the map works like a charm, the animation runs very smooth and therefore is very satisfying. Nice work! The only thing I don't get is how multiple (contradicting) rules (e.g. 1/0 and 0/1) are supposed to work together? It seems that only the first rule gets applied, or am I missing something?

Also I encountered some weird behaviour / bug with the "Pattern action":

1) Start application -> Click File>Patterns
Nothing happens
2) Create new GA -> Click File>Patterns
ExceptionInInitializerError caused by a NPE (Cannot invoke ""
because "location" is null)
2) Add a rule -> Click File>Patterns
Yields a NoClassDefFoundError for fr.poulpogaz.automata.ui.dialog.Patterns

This may be an openjdk issue, but I'm not sure (Would have attached the log, but unfortunately these exceptions are not beeing logged).

Overall, this is a pretty good start which allows for investigation and development of 2DCAs. Keep working on it!

Thank for this comment, I really appreciate this detailed post!

For the rules, because the SBS rule always says if a cell needs to change his state, the next rule is ignored. In fact, the program was supposed to support pattern rule where you define for all cell with a state n a pattern. And if the neighborhood of this a cellmatch the pattern, his value is changed (or not). Then the algorithm process the next cell. If the pattern doesn't match, the programm try another rule. And that's while there is a plus button and an option for multiple rules. Unfortunately for technical (slow) and interface (bad ui) reasons, I had to remove this rules.

For the exception, that's because the program failed to load images which are in the jar.  But I doesn't know why. This is mysterious. I will investigate this weekend.

Thank you very much for the clarification!