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This is, absolutely, the best quiz EVER!

I've taken dozens! per dozens of the Sortinh Hats quizes over the years, including retaking the pottermore quiz, and nothing is as amazing as this one by far!

I've always been torn between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, but the quizes' results had always given me Gryffindor which bummed me out ; I've never really thought to ever liked or fit in in that house and the only trait that I might have is my bluntness. But overtime, with ever quizes coming out Gryff, I doubted myself, maybe I AM a Gryff afterall, it was possible that I might be biased from disliking Gryffs in the series (the books and movies). But this quiz was just what I needed, also apparently free therapy, this is magical mind healing!

Turned out, I'm a Burned Slytherin Primary - Burned Slytherin Secondary and Ravenclaw Primary Model ! I had trouble with Primary, seeing as I have a model as well as burned. But the secondary was truely, me! All the descriptions fit me like missing puzzle pieces and it felt as though I had finally found the words to describe me at long last. Genuiently adore this quiz!