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No Refuge is a solo bullet-hell storytelling rpg.

It's 10 pages, with a clean black and white aesthetic.

Mechanically, you play by drawing cards from a tarot deck and rolling 2d6 against them. Meet or beat their value, and you overcome the card. Fail, and you lose a life. Lose 4 lives, and you game over.

There's a little more tech than this, and you do have elements of your ship that you can sacrifice or get benefits from depending on how you roll, but it's fully possible for the RNG to just decide it's going to kill you.

As a result, the focus of the game shifts to the fiction. What do the enemy waves and bosses look like? What does your ship look like? What is the overarching aesthetic of the bullet-hell you're playing? The tarot deck can answer, and honestly it may give you a really solid foundation to build your own bullet-hell on.

Overall, if you want a quick solo rpg with a neat premise and easy to learn gameplay, I would recommend checking this out. Likewise, if you're interested in creating a shmup but haven't decided yet what you want it to be about, definitely give this a shot.

Minor Issues:

-Page 2, there's a "w" after 1d4

-Page 9, "Criticall succeed" critical