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#1: Good morning, afternoon or night. I want to Chris respond my comment. Hmmm... If some people can, I want say some changes that  I really say that are importants for the next GB Studio's version...

#1: Do some thing for the user can modify the fade of the scene changing, I say, the colors seems like are of WHITE to BLACK and of BLACK to WHITE, and I want to do that the scene changing are from WHITE to BLACK and draw direct the other scene, like POKÉMON.
#2: I want that you do something script for relocate the dialogue, it appears in the down part of the seeble scene, and I think that are well...

#3: I want to you do (if you can) an version for Android, iOS or Chrome OS, I have just: Android phone and a Chromebook... 😅 My money don't give me the opportunity of have an MacBook or other ordinary laptop... 😅 Well, I leave you, bye!

Note: I'm Cuban, my English aren't good...

Shut up, brother. Why you have an account and you didn't said me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!