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sometimes i wonder if you have any goal in your comments but to upset people, you know that?

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I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, not sorry. What triggered you, truly? Think about it. Because, I merely responded to and referenced the "justafrienddaddy.png," and since it is an image file of we don't know what since ours truly didn't post it in their comments, I just thought it would be plain fun for everyone to see artwork of two Echo characters, one calling another daddy. No harm here whatsoever, so why are you so damn mad?


i mean, i'm not really all that mad, it seriously just seems like your goal is to upset. from what i recall, you've even put on opinions that contradict each other in the replies to different comments, depending on what that comment author would most likely get mad at. In this case, through our conversations on other comments of mine, it should be clear to you that Leo x Chase is my ship of choice, on account of Chase's reader insert-esque nature, therefore choosing to reply to my comment with a depiction of one of the two canonically supported contrasting Leo ships seems, to me at least, like a deliberate attempt to get under my skin.

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I don't read minds. Idk what you like/dislike. I don't even know you. And neither can you towards everyone else, so I find it unreasonable/irrational for a guest to become hostile towards the host just because they abhor milk and grilled cheese despite the hospitable gesture. Htf would the host even know to begin with if the guest did not express their lactose intolerance beforehand...? I'm innocent within the confines of your original post.

Establish here which of the "opinions that contradict each other in the replies to different comments." I am now much more interested in your discourse.


nah, i'm not particularly interested in digging through your posts to find as much, especially this late at night. it's clear to me that you've no intention of admitting fault or behaving differently, from the first sentence alone

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Deflection despite allegation but lack of evidence/proof; essentially, accusation of witchcraft/crying of wolf. Okayyy thennn, have a pleasant evening.