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An astronaut in space on an adventure to a unknown planet swarming with trolls, a simple concept with a simple goal of getting to the end. If only it was that easy. The game manifests into that of a  challenging platformer that encouraged me to try and plot a route with the numberous failed attempts I had done previously, a feature derived from the sheer obscurity this game was built on. This required me to have to think about my next moves carefully when faced with a new stage within the level, to avoid sudden drops from floors that seem to just fall on contact, spikes that make a simple jump a much more challenging feat, trolls that charge at the meer sight of the protagonist or jumps that require precise timing. 

All of this made the game frustrating, constantly being foiled by the same obstacle, but also rewarding when I discovered the perfect route to bypass all my previous mistakes and eventually make it to the end much more swiftly then before. 

Other then one bug I discovered, the game was solid. I didn't encounter any issues in terms of the way it ran and there was no obscure problems that occured. In fact some features like being pushed back when damaged by spikes or the trolls at first twarted my progression, but through repeat playthroughs became a tactical advantage that allowed me to almost double jump over certain challenges. 

A simply made game with a inviting and warm exterior that once started becomes a devious puzzling platformer that can make even the most experienced gamer wince with disgust, but also smile with glee when accomplishing what was once seemingly impossible. If more levels were added I will be sure to play, but as it stands there is currently no features that provide any sort of replayability. But overall it was a fun experience.