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So you are supporting a game on alpha stage and... you are getting mad that the dev isn't updating the part of the game you wanted to see first? Do you understand the idea of early stages of development?

Deleted 13 days ago

Dude if you want some love from EG that will have to wait, wanna know why? If you are capable of understanding basic concepts I could enlighten you Goph.
I've envisioned E-G dialogue system as a responsive, analog, and procedurally generated one. That might sound like some stupid mumble jumble but it means that she won't be saying the same thing twice and that she will say different things depending on her mood and experiences. Now if you've spent a week at the school you know that homework doesn't make itself...
But to be honest this might not just be the game for you... but I can't deny that it's entertaining replying to you hehehe 

Deleted 13 days ago

Oh, so you don't understand the concept of an alpha release, got u. Here's your clue, OBVIOUSLY he's gonna update first the path that's been more succesfull with people and/or the one he's most interested in exploring first, does that mean that other routes aren't coming? For everyone who knows what an alpha is the answer is clear, but here you are literally sabotaging the game and trying to make it worse for everyone cause it's not giving you what you want...