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The game presents incredibly frustrating challenges, especially as im not particularly skilled at playing 2Dp platformer games. However, if someone is very competitive or likes being challenged, especially in the presence of his friends while they take turns, the frustration can be ironically incredibly enjoyable. 

The biggest issue is when you miss a jump and land instead of dying you're placed in a situation where you believe you can still recover or salvage your progress, however, its just a death trap, where you're either beaten or have to kill yourself, no way to recover. Even though this a frustration inducing game, this is might be taking it abit too far, as giving false hope is not only frustrating but also wasting precious time you could use to play again.

As challenging as the game is, at the end of the day, even if you're completely new to platformers its very enjoyable and simple to play. To complete it may be a challenge, but playing with your friends and seeing all of them get frustrated is certainly a recipe for a good time. 

When it comes to game mechanics, I never really faced any issues, everything felt as it should, with no 'buggy' components. Also, the sound effects of minions attacking you, you dying or even trying to pick up fake health boosts definitely add a humorous element adding to the enjoyment of the game.