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As someone who is terrible at many skill-based games, I welcome the idea of a "lucked-up" chess game. (A "Mario Kart" of chess games.) This game's AI still kicked my butt though. It was funny to see how pieces fell when the piece made extra moves. The "ignore your move" effect was pretty frustrating for me though - I probably would've handled it better if it were framed as "player gets an extra turn", which has exactly the same outcome. It'd be interesting to see how many more effects you could add, that give the player some opportunity to make a choice. For example, maybe some spots on the map temporarily become portals, or walls, for N moves. Or the piece can split into two or spawn another piece ("the king and queen are adjacent to each other and had a baby pawn!"). So many more cool places you could take it.

Nice job on the AI. It doesn't take much to beat me but it was still fun to see the AI do its thing.

Thank you for the feedback! Giving the opponent an extra turn instead of denying the player their turn would definitely be more enjoyable for both sides.