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The Stabbywall

This is another quick update since I just got back from holiday, but it does pretty well illustrate my process for designing sceens!

I found this particular patch of wall I'd drawn to be really dull and boring:

Dull patch of wall

The obvious thing to do it add a bit of decoration.  I could just throw in some moss and call it a day, but I think it's better to tie everything in a level together if at all possible.

As luck would have it, there's a spike wall trap just to the left of the boring wall, so why now add a warning?

Same patch of wall, but now with sign saying "Welcome to the 'Stabbywall'"

This simultaneously solves the problem of a badly decorated level while also giving the player advanced warning of an old trap. Why solve one problem when you can solve two?

Mostly though I'm just bringing this up  because I find the word 'Stabbywall' inherently whimsical.