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Okey this is the second time I'm actually writing something here and I'm a bit unsure of what to write, due to the fact of how impressed I was of the first part I decided to buy the second part and I've just finished it.

Let me just say I'm still amazed by it, the story is really intriguing and I find myself losing track of time while playing/reading through it so you've done an amazing job and you are more than deserving of the 10 USD minimum that the second part costs.

I know I personally am longing already for the next update. I also have at least one hypothesis about a possible plot twist in the game so gonna be interesting to see if I may be right or wrong in the future updates to come.

Keep up the amazing work, can't wait to continue the story.

What is your hypothesis?

I'd rather not post that publicly here if it turns out that I'm onto something.

I was about to say that I could tell you in a PM if you really wanted to know until I noticed PMs isn't a thing here.

Could make a pastebin

Alright here we go, this link then contains a possible explanation towards what I think can become a plot twist but then again also can't, but I guess we'll see.

Don't click if you haven't played the full updates and don't want any spoilers.