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An interesting concept. Wack balance.  Very slow.

I'm pretty sure I played another game last jam on this exact engine, numbers in the tiles included. And it seems that parts of that jam came back  in the form of the lighting mechanic. This does raise the question wherever or not this game was fully coded in the jam time, but that's not what's important.

What's important is that the concept fully integrates the theme and takes full advantage of it, but sadly can't deliver. After getting food you are never starved for the resources and the clunky controls make the completing the milestones in the blue building tedious.

Besides that there are serious bugs, from the softlock reported by fqwehgtui, to arrow keys moving the player (even though they are not supposed to).

Well done.


like you said it's not important, but while I'm here: about the similar game existing part, I was also sure I had played something very similar before and saw that it's linked in the credits page in the game as being the inspiration: 

seems like it's an "inspired by"/"spiritual successor" thing and I appreciate it, I liked the original and I liked where this one was going in general (I checked the source of each from curiosity and they're two completely different engines and implementations)


Hello, a few things here:
-This game is inspired by cleansed from the last game jam. Neither yhvr nor I used an engine for the game.
-As for the starved part, it does happen a bit later on, when your drills start running out. Traps are not fully balanced in the food section, I had something else planned for hunger and health but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to implement them so that's why it feels rather underwhelming.
-As for the arrow keys, this was caused by a typo in one of the Modals. Will fix when Florian enables updating for the jam games. Sorry!