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Momo! And Meido!

Wow... I'm just really blown away with how beautiful this game looks, particularly the art style for the cut scenes. The amount of polish is just... glorious. You guys also managed to get a very calming, homey aesthetic which then contrasts VERY nicely with the creepy parts. It's well put together as a game overall, and ESPECIALLY as a jam game, so keep up the good work!

Scrolling through other comments on the jam page and here, I've seen others mention some things like the writing feeling a bit rushed and the wisps being a bit frustrating to deal with, so I won't say much more on that topic aside from the fact that I also felt the same. But I know you guys are planning on doing more with this game so I'm sure that'll be ironed out.

 *** Mild spoilers ahead for anyone who may have stumbled into this comment section before playing ***

What I'd like to talk about in a little more detail is Jun's voice as a character. At the moment, it's a little difficult to figure out exactly how she feels about the circumstances she's in. Her overall tone seems to be determined, but her dialog at the beginning (the parts where she's asking where she is, how she got there etc.) seem to be afraid. And certian times the dialog paired with her sprite's expression comes off as more dead-pan / unbothered.

All of these personality traits are great! But I feel like it needs to be really clear to the player which one applies to Jun in this situation. And if it's a bit of all 3, it would help if the dialog reflected what caused the change in mood.

One way you can go about this, when you go back and adjust the writing for pacing... look for lines that have more than one idea in one text box and break them up. For instance, when Jun first appears in the bedroom and asks 4 questions at once (like how did I get here? Is this real? etc), have each question be a seperate text box. Not only will this alone help with the rushed feeling, but seeing each question on its own can help you think of some specifications/details to add for a specific mood/effect. Like, stutters if afraid, sighs if annoyed, specific memories/names, etc! Really nailing down the tone through the paced-out dialog would help bring Jun's character to life a lot more.

Also, during the cut scenes with the past story (love the creative though dark premise for that, and the tie with the bottles in the level)... I felt a little off-put with the sudden switch to second person. Felt a little odd that it went from Jun's narration to the sudden second person. I almost wonder if instead you could tap into the bedtime story at the beginning and have that part be from the perspective of the "little girl" ... or maybe it could be from Jun's perspective, but with a distinctive memory tone? Something along those lines. Just a thought of course.

Congratulations again on creating such a polished and beautiful game in such a short time. I hope these notes help a little bit as you continue work to make the game even better!

Good luck in development, and in future projects!!