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anywayssssssss-here's Akari!

yep! I said i was him

Do you wanna start or no?


ok i will)) Alex: *he was walking the halls of the school, staying hidden and watching senpi closely*

Akari was walking to class, hands in his pockets. He would periodically grin or say hi to someone, he was pretty popular. 


Someone ran up and tacklehugged him 

"GAH-Oh-hey Zoe..." 

Alex: *his eyes darkened, he wouldn't have anyone touch his sempi... he was going to kill her for trying to take sempi away from him...*

She grinned, bouncing on her toes-she didn't seem able to sit still 

???: "Are ya going to Lucille's party tonight? Huh? Huh!?" 

He rubbed the back of his neck 

"Lucille's having a party....?"   

???: "Yeah!! Everyone's going-I told Mark to tell ya-" 

"He didn't...." 

???: "Yeah, clearly-that's the last time I trust him with information! Hmph! Anyways, you gonna go!??" 

Alex: *the more the girl was with sempai, the more it annoyed him*

"...I-I dunno...."
???: "C'monnnn you HAVE to go!!-"

"But Lucille is" 

He was blushing slightly, smiling softly as he tried to come up with the words to describe her.  Zoe took note and her eyes lit up 

???: "You like herrrrrr!!!!-"     

Alex: *that pissed him off, whoever this "lucille" is, that was more of a threat then that zoe girl. He needed to kill the both of them, but how, when and were was the question, what wouldn't take to long, but was VERY painful, wouldn't make noise, and would be easy to clean? Where was hidden enough but not suspicious?*