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Wow an update! Haven't played a match with my friend yet as shes still asleep, but quick notes:

  • Tokinko Puzzle 2 works perfectly now and can be solved with smart promotion or smart use of powers, which makes it a great "tutorial puzzle" for a character.
  • Mazarin Puzzle 4 can still be cleared in two moves, the range of the Demon Fire lets it just walk forward and shoot the enemy king immediately.
  • Anna Ban Puzzle 3 was unclearable before due to the spell bug, but now its clearable! Yay
  • Metonym Puzzle 4 can now be cleared using the 50 blood ability, but it still takes smart play to be able to get that much blood, so it fits as a secondary solution.
  • Haven't played a match with a human yet just CPU, but the Tokinko changes feel good, and having only two artillery feels right for UE, looking forward to playing it more to feel it out.