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I am not sure how long this comment of mine will be, but I really need to send this message to you.

I have always been a huge fan of deep and REAL stories in any kind of media. Things that feel fleshed out and truly meaningful always get me in all the right ways. And this game of yours did exactly that.

I will admit that I was simply perusing through several games for simple, mindless entertainment or something to itch my gay brain. I am simply speechless when it comes to this game. 

I had no idea what to expect, but the premise hooked me pretty easily. From the moment I started playing, I could already tell that this game was special. I could not stop playing and literally had to force myself to take breaks. It was just so easy to become immersed into the story and truly invest in all of the characters and their relationships with one another. I have played many games, but this is SO up there with one of the most memorable, most heart-wrenching but emotionally gratifying games I have ever played. And it's not even done!

I cannot tell you how many times I cried. Everything felt so real and so heavy, but all in good ways. 

I am probably being way too passionate about this but you should proud of yourself for creating such an amazing experience. I cannot thank you enough for the joy you have given me through this game. Not to get too into it, but I am going through a tough time, and as someone who is 20 years old, being able to live through such a beautiful experience with incredible characters has made the last week or so so worth the time I invested in this game. 

Extreme and major kudos to you. Please take all the time and care you need to work on this because whatever you are doing is above and beyond. I am eagerly, yet patiently, waiting for the next continuation piece to this wonderful story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.'re not being too passionate. I really appreciate this. I'm very passionate in writing it. It's such a vulnerable place that I have to go to write this so it's very meaningful for people to write long comments and have emotional reactions to it. I've cried writing some of the scenes so I'm glad that was passed along to you over the course of playing. I'm just as invested as you are <3