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Figured out what the higher question mark in the chair area is. If you do the first 3 chairs normally and then use the high question mark and then continue from the 5th chair the puzzle will complete normally. Not sure what comes after that

(1 edit) (+3)

Wait, what? I just confirmed that this works. Not sure why though. Might have something to do with the possible letter inputs. Maybe after each letter you need to hit the higher question mark to "lock in" the letter or something? The first 3 chairs seem to make the letter V though, and that isn't in the phrase OLDWIND, so I'm at a loss. Here's an image of the chair puzzle I made btw. Might help.

Edit: Messed around with it some more and couldn't get it to make a correct noise except during that very specific circumstance. Makes me think that it's just an accidental duplicate of the 4th chair's question mark. Has the same height and everything. Would explain why it disappears after the puzzle is complete since all of them do. Still no answer for what the lower question mark is though.


the accidental duplicate of the 4th chair is exactly the conclusion i came too, hopefully we're both wrong and it actually does something because that's kinda lame :(