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Lawkieee-d'ye wanna rp? 

sure I guess

yeet-so I have like a soulmate prompt-and then I kinda wanna combine it with-something- 


oki so it's kinda spoicy-

tell mee

Oki so-

in this world, everytime your soulmate recieves an injury a flower tattoo blooms on your body in the place your soulmate got hurt. 

A mafia boss who's been in a lot of fights and gotten a lot of injuries but has very few tattoos. Obviously he's not really thinking about finding his soulmate, he's got bigger things to worry about. So one night, after a job gone well, he goes to the club to celebrate. He sees a heavily tattooed drop dead gorgeous stripper, I have not decided on a gender yet we'll see-and requests them for the night. As they're spending time together, he realizes that this person's tattoos match his injuries-thus sugarbaby soulmate is born. 
