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Overall, I really, really enjoyed this game! I have a really tough time with these kinds of games where you have to move with keys and aim/shoot with a mouse. My hand was starting to hurt from clicking so much and my husband suggested "can you just hold the button down...?" omg genius lol I never thought of that 🤦‍♀️ Thank you for making it work that way LOL Overall, it was the perfect amount of enemies and their speed/bullets to not overwhelm me and my lack of skills playing this type of game 👍

The colors were so bright and vibrant. I absolutely LOVED it. Really cool how you right click to change colors and can only shoot things of that color. A neat idea. Also a very cool idea to make the player want to earn enough money in order to get those hints and then send them clicking all over in different places! The only thing though, is that I don't see how being a determined person fits the theme. I thought the hints were going to relate to the theme (that the game would too) something like don't shoot the ones that don't shoot you, or something like that. As it stands... I don't really see a connection to the theme in the game. 🤔

The music was a good choice. It worked in the background and didn't become "too much" - it was fun and enhanced the game rather than making me want to turn my sound off after a while.  The sound effects were a nice sound too. Very arcade-like. 

Good job!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you very much for the feedback, I tried to make everything clear regarding pressing the mouse button or clicking through the tutorial. I liked your comment, it helps me a lot. My interpretation of the theme was more so along the lines of the golden tip. Enemies can be killed by weapons of their respective colors and for you to really win the game, have a tip that was just to click on the creator's name. Thank you very much for the Feedback!