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Is there anything other than that first platform with flowers? You mention fires... I was excited lol  I flew around and fell forever and checked around and didn't see anything else. Also, the cloud bugs out and kinda bounces across the screen sometimes. Love the flower watering and the flying. Very nice. Cool idea.  Very retro, pixel art. Super cute. Love the soft piano music choice. Calming and suitable for long game play. Which I wish there was! lol ;p if you do more to this be sure to let me know so I can check it out. Would love to play more of it. Other than the fact that watering flowers is a kind of nice thing to do... not really seeing how the golden rule was applied. 

Also, LOVE your swaying grass. I had wanted to put some kind of animated background or foreground elements in my game but ultimately didn't. I saw it and said to my husband, his grass is way better than ours and he said - "the grass is always greener!" LOL 

haha, thank you for such a kind comment and feedback! Yes, there was a lot i wanted to add to it, but ran out of time for the game jam. It's been very busy these days, but if i get it up and running with more gameplay i'll definitely let you know! Thanks again!