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(I mean-I don't see why not-Asrian doesn't but I mean-)

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(So do you want me to make him do some type of thing? Cause if so I totally can!)

(Yeah I would-)

(What do gods do?-)

(Ok well in my pantheon at least on Earth we gotz like more gods that influence human emotion-so like-love, war, wisdom-shit like that) 

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Keio was glancing at everone as he continued to sketch, he was sketching a picture of his favorite Deities, as the meeting went on-the words were going through one ear and out the other. He then looked at this watch and made an annoyed face then he continued.

(Otay cool cool) 

(Did it)

He felt a sense of warmth and comfort pass over him-then Raeos, god of war and leader of the Earthen gods, shouted 

???:"ASRIAN-You know you're not allowed to be here-" 

Asrian was standing at the very back of the hall by the entrance, looking in longingly. His eyes widened as he realized he'd been found out 

"I-I-I'm sorry-I-I just-"        

???:"GET OUT."

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"Calm down, he's a god too, why isnt he allowed? Plus you guys really need to use your insides voices."

He wasn't looking at anyone, he was just sketching as usual.

???:"He's not like the rest of us-he's...unstable-" 

"N-No I'm not!" 

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"He obviously isn't, just because he glows doesn't mean he's unstable, it just means he's different and unique while we're all the same..its basically just like bodyshaming someone."