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Thank you so much for the comment! I Totally agree with your views, and it would be pretty neat to get the game even a bit more polished. A saving system is definitely something I would like as well! ^^ I could have a chat with the programmers of our game at some point to see if they would be up for adding that into the game.

Watching you play was also really nice! All of the graphics were made by me (visual novel and character stuff + some other assets) and our other member of the graphics team (map assets and UI + she made the story)! 

The whole dev team consists of us students, and most of us (I think all but me) did not have any experience with making games before this summer, as this year we're starting our first year at the Game branch of our studies!

Love your avatar btw! And thank you once again for playing, super cool to get some feedback~! ♥