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Right off the bat this kind of looks like a Unity game, decent music and customized splash/title screen. Not a bad first 30 seconds.

I love that you let the player rebind their keys and you even give the option for the gamepad. Very cool!

Quick note for your tutorial mode, even if you select controller it gives you the information for keyboard commands only. The tutorial should reflect which mode the control scheme is set in, or just add both controls to the text pop ups.

Valiesk stage(one) doesn't appear to have any risk/challenge. You just hit the floating thing without taking any damage. Not sure if that was intentional, Maybe have it shoot a projectile every now and then.

The charged up special move looks cool and all but it doesn't really seem to do much damage.

The green spike things on the terrain that damage the player are VERY hard to see. Make them less transparent and more obvious that a collide-able object is on the screen and about to hit the player. It took me getting hit by it like ten time to even realize what was hitting me. I think it would be less frustrating if it was telegraphed better and making it not blend into the background soo much. They fly by sooooooooo fast, that it's almost impossible to react in time to dodge them unless you're a 13 year old Korean Star Craft Master.

I don't know if you can beat your own game, but it would be impressive to see someone beat this. It's unfair at times. You get hit by the green see-through spikes that blend into the background which triggers a 'knockback' phase and before you can even recover you get hit by another one then another one. I mean did DJ Khalid help you make this game? "Another one!" "Another one!" There were times when I was hit four times in a row by that and no matter what I did (except by dodging the first one) I was stun locked. 

Here's the thing, that last section IS THE EASY PART! Phase two of this boss has a cluster bomb move that you have to doge while at the same time staying on a platform and if you fall off into the green lava you explode. It's hard enough to try to dodge and stay on a platform, how are you supposed to deal damage at all? The monster stays out of reach in the top right of the screen mostly. This is truly a painful experience. 

I like what you've tried to do here and there's a lot that you've got right here, so let's get that out of the way. However you went from stage one with absolutely NO challenge, into stage two, which is insanely challenging. I think you have to find a middle ground and ramp up the difficulty slowly. It really missed the mark.

The controls are not terrible, but they're not as good as you would want them to be in a game like this. It's impressive to make any type of game like this in RPG Maker and for RPG Maker it may control well, but the casual player won't care at all that it was made in RPG Maker and will hold you to the same industry standards compared to games made with other engines. Resulting in what some people would say are 'bad controls.' 

If you entered into this competition to test yourself and see what you could do with this engine with no intentions of winning then I can understand it's a personal challenge to see how far you could push an engine designed to show text and run turn based combat, however you're using an RPG Maker engine to make a platformer game which is like going to a Steakhouse and ordering the pizza. :)

At the end of the day you have to ask yourself "Is the gameplay fun?", and I'm going to have to say that it's not. It's grueling and unfair. I think you've done something impressive and even taking on a task like this deserves some props. I think you made a 'cool' game, but not a 'fun' one. I really like what you tried to do, but you have to playtest your game more. You want to include as many people as possible and the harder your game jam entry is, the less people will stick with it. It's better to be on the easy side for a game jam. I bet most people who play this game don't even see all the stages. They get to stage two and give up, because it's too hard for the majority of people. 

Good job submitting a project to this game jam and I look forward to seeing what you put out in the future. I like your style, but keep difficulty in mind for the next one. I'm sure that you've honed your abilities in this game making process. Keep up the good work! :)

Hello, and thanks so much for the feedback!

A lot of what you've said has been addressed in the new version that'll be in SAGE 2021, if you wanna check it out when it's on. :P

But yeah, difficulty balancing is the big thing I've learnt from this game and a lot of changes have been done, especially to Aracnoid, to make the game way more fun and balanced. Including adding things like a small amount of invulnerability frames so being hit doesn't feel like a one hit kill in specific places and changing parts of fights to make it easier to understand, less tedious or just removing parts (like that green spike) to make it way more fun! I do hope you'll try the game again when it's new and improved!

Lastly, with the controls; yes it is 100% true that they need improvement. With the deadline I had to cut my losses with them but I will be ensure to improve them until they are as good as they can possibly be!