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Enjoyed a lot the game! Very nice jump and very charming art. Also liked the music. I think the mechanic of forcing the player to run can be  pretty cool but the levels have a lot of 1-block jumps, and those were difficult to jump. Because was tricky to do those jumps, I ended up kind cheating (lol) by holding the arrow keys when I wanted to go in a direction, I don't know if that was intended but felt like I shouldnt be doing. Overall I think is a pretty nice game!


thank you so much for testing my game , i'm very happy to see who enjoy my game(maybe because my first one XD).

im just make the game more and more difficult fastly because i dont have to much levels

ye i notice that and i dont know how to fix it and i dont know if can be fixed xd, if you have any idea of how to solve it tell me.

but now enjoy your kind cheating XD

this is my first game with 2 months of learning godot and a considered background of devloppement , im so happy to see this kind of comments to improve my skills 


This game is really good I didn't even think it was a first game! Congratulations!

To fix this in Godot you can use the function "Input.is_action_just_pressed" or "Input.is_action_just_released". That way the player would have to press again to turn.

Good luck in next jams!

its work <3 ,

thank you so much