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The game doesn't save anything, so it shouldn't be possible for you to get locked out like that. How does this issue present itself? Does it always say the "Echo is infintely secure" message? I'm not entierly sure what you mean since echo locks don't lock you out after a set number of attempts.

(3 edits)

I had the same thing happen to me, no matter what I put in, it doesn't unlock.

I created a script for it too, but it still didn't work. i put unlock 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 5, 1 8, 1 13, 1 21, 1 34, 1 55, 1 89 for all of the numbers 1-9 but it still didn't work.

Edit: noticed that it included 0, added it to script, tried it, didnt work

Edit 2: Manually unlocked echo lock, password was 5 13, had unlock 5 13 in the script. WTF