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Studio Name: First Studio Entertainment

Name Of Game: RAWconcrete

Quick Bio of Game: RAWconcrete is about a young boy traveling through space and time across the universe, a 2D game featuring innovative combat mechanics (Transmutator Gun), photo-realistic graphics, realistic animations and audio, but above all, a very interesting story.

How long the Game was in development and if it's still in development, early access, or complete: The game is in its infancy, about 6 months in development.

Why you became a game developer in the first place: We're sick of the most AAA games/studios, some of us have worked on/for, millions of dollars yet very little creativity and innovation. So, why keep wasting your time, creative energy and talent on these, why not try and use those resources to realize ones owns ideas and possibly make a living out of it.

The very first IN-GAME footage, essentially a test. All work in progress.

A couple of images from the project by our artists: