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Can you make Bob & Bosip Test?

(BBIBS = Bob but in Bob Style)

(RBIBS = Ron but in Bosip Style)

(VSBAB = Vs Bob And Bosip)

(lefnfme = literally every fnf mod ever)

Phase 1: Bob (VSBAB)

Phase 2: Bosip (VSBAB)

Phase 3: Bob but in Bob Style (lefnfme x VSBAB)

Phase 4: Ron but in Bosip Style (lefnfme x VSBAB)

Secret Character: Amor (VSBAB)

Or you could do it differently:

Phase 1: Bob (VSBAB)

Secret Key Effect (Phase One): EX Bob (VSBAB) or BBIBS (lefnfme x VSBAB)

Phase 2: Bosip (VSBAB)

Secret Key Effect (Phase Two): EX Bosip (VSBAB) or RBIBS (lefnfme x VSBAB)

Oh and Amor?

He could possibly be in a Seperate FNF Test.

But there is only ONE thing i can say;

It's up to you, Bot Studio.