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Hi Caribdis! I must say that I just created an account only to leave this comment. VN is one of my favourite genres of games and I played A LOT of them, both SFW and NSFW. This is one of the most intriguing, exhilarating, thrilling and funny VN I've ever played so far. Everything, from characters development to narrative ramifications, works just perfectly. The plot flows so naturally, there are no forced resolutions, and every single character is so well written and expressive! This game seriously blew me away! 

I can't thank you enough for developing it and sharing it for free! It's been such an amazing adventure, I never expected to feel so many different and emotions. I almost cried during the ending sequence! Now that it's over I'm feeling that sadness that only amazing books or series give me, that sense of bittersweet nostalgia. I really hope you can develop games as a full-time job because you're tremendously talented and I'm soooooo looking forward to your next projects! Thank you again Caribdis, you're a gem in the game dev industry!  


You made me blush man 🧡
Thank you so much!