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Hello Caridbis, sorry for my poor English as English is not my main language (I am a Spanish speaker) but I had to create an account just to leave this message, I have played many VNs of this type but this one beats them all the ones that I have played from afar since it has a great and interesting story with characters that you take a lot of love and appreciation for, in turn, it has some moments that have made me genuinely laugh and praise your sense of humor like in no other game of the genre, By playing this game and seeing everything it had to offer, I went through a roller coaster of emotions and all this for a free game! I really believe that you are a person and developer with great talent, I will keep an eye on your future projects very closely since I know that you will continue to release masterpieces like the one you already did, at this point I have nothing more to say so continue with Your great work and in case it has not been clear is a 10/10 game and 100% recommended.

Thank you so much Sanchaez 😍