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Was that Dr Krueger in one of the photos on Monsieur M's laptop? 

Also, at the end of TWDAK, Krueger mentions he called Vincent recently and he mentions that Vincent seemed to be doing well, however here in chapter 4 Vanora gets to Vincent by emphasising that he essentially has no one who cares for him other than Victor, despite Krueger calling up (because he [Krueger] missed G4 and the people there, according to what Taylor said). 

So I'm kinda wondering if Krueger will become relevant to the story of this game at all (plus his line about it being his destiny to inherit his father's company + all the talk about fate in chapter 4 here, plus Krueger's is yet another very powerful corporation that may also possibly have ties to Myers).

I'm also not entirely sure if Vincent is going to stay dead. Like, there's no actual reason any of the characters would revive him, as far as I know, but it feels so sudden to just kill him off as soon as he starts to get more backstory and stuff.

I think Albert has more than just vincent as a friend, although he did say he was the only other “competent” person, he took a liking to taylor. maybe he just likes unique and surprising people?