Adrien Gray was attending an auction-that in and of itself was enough to cause whispers among the members of polite society. It was rare to see the young master out and about-even rarer to see him interacting with the upper class. And yet here he was, attending a formal event. Was he here to bid?
The auction began, hunters wheeling their prey onstage in covered cages as the auctioneer spoke, hyping up the crowd
"Ladies and gentleman, people of all ages, boy do we have a show for you tonight! These fine specimens have come from tribes all throughout the wilds of the outside world, savage places. We have some truly rare and exotic breeds tonight, all yours for the taking! Will one of these lucky anthros be your new pet? Let's find out-without further ado, let the bidding begin!"
the auction drones on, with nothing really catching Adrien's eye. He wanted it to be perfect-the perfect pet for him. Special-he wanted it to stand out. Finally, they were getting close to the end of the auction.
"Alright everyone, coming up next we have a truly rare find-found in a small fox clan, one of the last remaining in the wild, this beauty's unique coloration and delicate features make it a standout amongst it's fellow anthros. Ladies and gentleman I present to you-#AL169!"
The hunter dramatically took the cover off of his cage and the crowd erupted into gasps and murmurs of excitement