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Hey aaryn. I Love the game Straight!? I had a hard time stopping it to take a break lol. I see so much of Zack in me it is crazy,  and I Love how real it all seems.  Great cliff hanger when Braden walked in the room. Any way I have to see what is next for Zack and Braden.  My question is,  I have Straight!? Downloaded to my husband's computer. When the next updates happen will I have to download more content to see what happens next. Oh please I need more lol. P.S. I will become a  Patrion very soon. Zach my husband started a new job and more $ will be coming  in Thank you 😊 

yooo, thanks for the feedback and glad you're enjoying things. So for the updates, you'll have to redownload. Another problem that people always have on updates is you can't load your old game. However, you can start a new game and I have a setting where you just click a thing things to reactive the choices that you need from the previous updates and you should be good. If you use old saves, it usually crashes the game. And don't worry about contributing, only do so if you're comfortable. If you're starting a new job, make sure you guys get your stuff taken care of before you worry about the game over here. It's free for a reason. Thanks in advance. 

(1 edit)

thank you so much. You are so awesome. One last question.  When and where can I find the updates? Thank you .

They will be posted on the Patreon site first. I post all the news related to the game over there. You can also check my Twitter or join the Discord if you'd like. All of those work. I post the updates for free 3 weeks after the Patreon access and that's when i'll update things over here

thank you so much for everything 💗 

Sure thing. Thanks for the interest. I really appreciate it <3