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7 AUG 2021:

- Made a variation on the carrier this week! One type banks left and spawns on the left side of the screen, the other banks right and spawns on the right side of the screen. Both can launch fighters.

- The fighter logic itself has been improved. After launching, they quickly accelerate towards the player, kamikaze style. The player can currently shoot them down and be hit by them. 

- TODO: The carriers themselves need collision boxes and different levels of damage. Also the fighter logic needs  a little adjustment as I suspect they aren't always launching the proper number of fighters. 

- MILESTONE! Scrapship is now past 5000 lines of code. Besides being a nice even number, this is also about where I was last year when I decided to start from scratch. When the carrier is done to my liking I'd say the game is about 75% done.

Quote of the week:

"Someday" is not a day of the week.

Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!