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A surprisingly cute game, given its premise, with a colorful pixel style and endearing animations that keeps things lighthearted despite the fact that it starts with an elderly lady's sudden death. There's honestly a bit of reality subtext here for me, as I have cats and have often wondered what will happen to them should I suddenly die; I'm not elderly, but I think it's something that's occurred to most pet owners at one time or another. Hopefully the cats manage to find new homes after they escape the apartment! The puzzle took a little while for me to figure out, but it was satisfying when I did and it's nice that you were able to help the elderly woman move on after at least giving her beloved cats a chance. The usage of Goldie was also surprisingly grim, though like the rest of the game it was done in a humorous way. Fun and fairly short, though I guess that last part depends on how good you are at puzzle-solving. I enjoyed it!