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I seems Redamz doesn't care about anyone who's not one of his Patrons 

[For us non-patrons]

Demo 1:
(At this point it's really dated, a new one is coming soon)

 [It's this same demo... from 2015... 3+ years is "soon"?!]

For Patrons:
Kitsune twins animations (dated)
Arachne scene
Shark girl sceneNekomata animations
"Day 1" build
Halloween build
"Day 2" build
Mako second scene
Elf scene
Slime scene 2.0
Secret build
"Day 3" build
Yuki Onna scene

(1 edit)

But. i can't find any info about new demo/build for non-patrons, or when does game release (i know it will take many time), but no info how game development going. And this demo is 3 years gone, and i see only this demo. I just want to know how much is left to wait (sry i have bad english)


I don't know about a new demo other than it will likely be a long time before non-patrons see it. If you want news on the game it looks like you need to be a patron. 

I can pay once, but i cant pay every month, so i decided to buy game, then it release, but i want some news

If you look around you might find the patreon builds for free elsewhere.