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(1 edit)

Your loading screen character is like Jiren from Dragon Ball Z and I quite like it because of the art and colors. It is really befitting to be called "Project Plasma" hence the Title.  The music is quite loud but it adapts the game since it is like a thrill game so the genre of the background music was smooth and steady. I like how the game was animated, on the other hand, I saw the the weapon I was holding was blurring I dont know if its a bug or not. But overall it is really a nice-child-friendly game; No blood, good environment, and unrealistic gameplay. Well done.

hey thank you so much for playing our game. actually the character is based on hunter x hunter meruem. well he looks like jerin too haha. we will update more on the sound part of the game after the voting ends so when you want your nephew or siblings plays the game they will enjoy it more haha