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Also, PLEASE. Please add save points! Make them scarce! I like games with difficulty!


Thank you so much for your feedback!

I would very willingly add save points. To be honest, this was also my original idea!
But, due to my inexperience, I've been working on this game for months without following any plan in particular. Which means, I've put together monsters, graphics, and all the fun stuff, leaving the "boring" save mechanic to the end.
That was NOT very smart, as you can guess.
As I found out, implementing such a mechanic is pretty easy... if you do it at the beginning. But once you have tons of code (pretty messy, noob's code :D) it is a very hard task, almost impossible with my current skills... :/

I'll keep trying, btw! :)

That's Awesome I'm definitely going to give this a try as someone without game making experience, that want's to get into the field.


I hope you like it, but I'm very open to constructive criticism! :)


Just letting you know that the new version with "casual mode" is here: an easier gameplay, designed to reduce frustration and allow casual players to delve into the disquieting secrets of Lockwood.

Hope you'll enjoy it! :)