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A full two months had elapsed at the Elaran Academy of Magicks, and despite the change in weather and the familiarity of the classes and people, teachers and classmates alike, there was still a little thrill at walking across the cherry tree lined courtyard, branches now barren and snow covered thanks to the December weather, and seeing the pristine white building, stain glass windows sparkling in the pale blue light. You had woken up late in your dorm today, running to reach your class before it started. 

(1 edit)

"Gosh! I'm so dumb!"

He continued to run almost reaching his classroom.

That's when he saw it-two boys towering over a small girl pressed against the wall      

???: "Awwwwww, look she's shaking..-"
???: "What's wrong round ears? Scared?" 

???:"Her ears sure as hell aren't pointy-" 

???: "Heh, even her ears are off-isn't that right, halfling-?"  

"D-Don't...d-don't c-c-call me that-" 

???:"D-D-Don't-gods, you're so annoying!" 

He stopped, now he looked over at them then he grabbed his wand and walked over to them and tapped both their shoulders...

They turned around and looked down at him 

???: "You got a problem?" 

She was starting to slip away-then the other boy slammed her against the wall with arm 

???:"The hell do you think you're going, halfling!?"  


"Hey, What the hell is your problem! Your that weak to the point where you have to bully a fucking girl! Really-I thought you were better then that! And there is noting wrong with her ears, she looks beautiful! The fact that your being mean is disgusting!"

He then looked at them and pushed the boy that was looking down at his after he fell, he grabbed the other boy and kicked him off, once he did he said a spell, looking at them with a glow in his eyes, standing in front pof her so they couldn't get to her.

???:"GAH-Alright, alright, fine man, you win-" 

They ran off, stumbling a bit because of the spell, but he could hear them talking to each other 

???:"What the hell is that guy's problem!? Defending a half-breed like her-" 

???:"I bet she turns him into a toad for thanks-" 

???:"Haha, the villainess makes her only friend-" 

???:"The frog wizard-" 

???: "BWAHAHAHA-" 

They turned the corner 

"Ugh-They are jerks."

He then turned around and looked at her, he then got very very close and touched her ears then smiled at her and backed up a bit, letting go of her ears.

"Well, sorry you got to meet, my names Seph..its great to meet you!"

Her ears were smaller and rounder than a normal elf's, and they drooped slightly. She covered the side that was visible with her hand the minute he pulled away, a habit she had developed over the years. She was trembling slightly, eye fixated on a spot on the floor, her bang covering half of her face 

"N-No it's fine-I'm used to them-t-they always m-make fun of me b-because o-of my ears a-and my eye-a-and well-pretty much e-everything to be h-honest...i-it's ok, I-I don't mind it too much a-anymore-"