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I purchased the older version on the Unity Asset Store. Should I get a refund from Unity and get the newer Giavapps MIDI 2 version on Is there a sample scene and a User Guide for either app? Thanks.

Bryan Dempsey

Hi Bryan! Absolutely not! Giavapps MIDI 2 is only for GameMaker Studio 2.3+! It is mainly just a port of the Unity version ... please also note that: I am distributing my plugins for Unity exclusively through the Unity Asset Store and Giavapps MIDI for Unity also supports macOS via the RtMidi implementation, so for now, you already have the best you can get! ;)

Thank you for that answer. But, I'm still waiting for an answer to my other question posted above this one: Can you provide a code example to show how to change the bank and the instrument on a given MIDI channel? Thanks.

Bryan Dempsey