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im home alone and my anxiety is threw the roof rn. its just me and my dog and i have small paranoia issues b/c the ppl next to me love to party so im hearing them and haveing anxiety issues

ps i have my house and room door locked and still dont feel safe. my parents and little sister should be home by now

ok so got to the point were i started crying (like- crying crying- my voice is now horse and there is tear marks all over my gasses hahaha yeah i wear glasses) and called one of my mom's friends on messenger and just talking to her for a bit. A few minutes later my parents got home and I've never been more happy to see them, i had this trippy moment when looked for dad in the babys room and the light was off and i thought he disappeared but when i turned around and back again he was there. 

(1 edit)

Mind you I have the fear of the dark along with the fear of being alone the two of them combined is called Nyctophobia apparently, its night outside and i have my room light on and i was to scared to go downstairs (i also for some reason locked my room door) 

oh noooooooooooooooooooo what can I do to help? (Ik this is late)

You dont have to do anything, its ok.

are you sure???
