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Here ya go 


you want me to start?


(1 edit)


Pronounce: you-hon

(Also can you be her assistant a second?)

Uhan was doing work, after she was done she went on her computer and checks the files, she was making sure everything was correct. She continued to work as she stopped for a second then drunk some coffee, after she did she called on her entercom to her assistants room and continued to work as she waited.

Her assistant stepped into her office 

Her eyes followed to her assistant's face, Ameria, was her name.


"Good afternoon, Ameria, how was your day?"

"Fine thanks. Can I help you with something?" 

"Yes, I need you to please go get the file named 'West' and send it to my email, also make sure you send a copy just in case, when I get it you may go and have your lunch break."