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Thank you for the quick response ! Appeictae that very much.

I understand  your concern regarding data privacy and  cant agree more to it. Of course there is an option to run it from a memory stick on multiple systems but then it has to be running the same OS. Maybe an option for data import ?
It took me a few times of usage to get familiar with the interactions with MuThUr but now I have to say its going very well.  At the moment the only thing I can imagine would be to expand  the possiblity to see the chart(data presentation) in different views. Im still struggling to make sense out of the graph at the bottom (maybe I havent logged in enough data to make sense out of it yet?). I also think that the charm of the application lies in its simplicity.


The graph at the bottom shows the amount of time spent on the selected item from the total logged time by day.

It is already possible to export the data to JSON. This has been added to allow you to use this data in your personal sites or recovery on a new PC. But I did not think about combining the data :(

I should have some free time next month, I'll try to come up with something to close this problem and refresh the application as a whole. I think it should be interesting :)

Thank you.

Indeed, I have tried the export option and its very handy with the format!

Looking forward to the updates !In the mean time, I wish you a nice holiday!