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Really love the style and look of this one. Incredibly pleasing color palette (never thought I'd say that about a zombie game of all things!). Only issue is sometimes you can't really make out the Game Over screen if you die near buildings. Maybe add a drop shadow of some kind to separate it a bit more from the background? Unlike a lot of other commenters I seemed to struggle with the grab mechanic and was only ever able to get it to happen twice no matter how much I clicked. Is there some kind of trick I'm missing?


Thanks for the feedback! Your right, i should of added the same shadow on the title screen or a background. I'll definitely add that in an update! But for not being able to grab them, I'm not too sure. I was having a bug in development where the civilians were bouncing between their closest targets so you couldn't eat them. I thought I'd fixed it, but maybe i was wrong. But in terms of gameplay, make sure your making contact when clicking (pinning them against a wall tends to help). 

Hopefully that helps, I'll look into it as a bug as well. Sorry you couldn't enjoy the whole thing, thanks for giving it a try though!