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(1 edit) (-1)

I have a question, is this set in Englamerica  for comedy reasons? Cos this version of "England" reminds me of watching Yugioh back in the day  when they "localised" Domino City by replacing Japanese food with Cheeseburgers (the dairy makes it American)

In all seriousness tho No English teen orders Pizza and Natchos.  KFC (or your local knock off)  or  Chips with Curry trust me,  that said enjoying the game thus far

I don't live in England nor the USA, so don't take that too seriously because there will surely be more mistakes like that, sorry about it 😅

Don't worry about it the only thing really knocked me outta the game me  Gordan Ramsey on Masterchef (he's on Masterchef US) and i'm a big Masterchef fan so was Kinda looking forward To John Torude and Greg Wallace (the comedy potential with either is huge). I'm fully aware you can't please everybody and you write with what you know and what you appear to know makes for a very funny and engaging game!