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There should be!
Are you playing on windows or mac?
Either way, and even if the fullscreen icon is greyed out, you should be able to switch to fullscreen from the menu bar.

I will try to implement a keyboard shortcut for this feature, btw. If I succeed, expect it in the next release - that I will hopefully upload within the next twelve hours.

Thank you! :)

(1 edit)

not sure what fullscreen icon or menu bar youre talking about but im on windows and f11 doesnt work, i went ahead and played a bit and really enjoyed it

I'm uploading right now the mac version 1.0.2 (windows version will follow in half an hour or so): this one should start in fullscreen and allow to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode by pressing F1.
Hope you'll enjoy! :)

(2 edits)

fullscreen is great, only problem however is the fullscreen hides the mouse and makes it near impossible to aim with the gun so a cursor would be appreciated

edit: looks like the mouse is actually always hidden now

Yes, the cursor was intentionally hidden in this version.
I found it was just ugly to see, and I was pretty sure it was unnecessary: since you don't use the cursor to aim with the pad, I though it wouldn't make much difference to do the same with the mouse...

If you like, I will implement a feature in the next release (out in few hours, I guess) to show an optional cursor. :)

that would be great

Deleted 2 years ago

I just released the new version, complete with crosshair! :D